Thursday, January 23, 2014

Weekly Check-in!

Here is the part that makes me the most nervous about doing this blog-accountability and sharing my results! Ha ha! As much as I hate it, it will be good for me. I will be posting weekly updates with a picture (yikes!) before and after post monthly. Stay tuned!

My grade for myself for the week-

Diet: (50%)
Exercise: (50%)
Total Grade: A (100%)

 I did not miss one day of staying true to my diet and exercise routine, and let me tell you my results were definitely worth the hard work and sacrifice!

Weigh in-

Weight: I gained a pound, but I lost inches and muscle weighs more than fat, so it is still a week of work and health to celebrate!!!


Neck: I lost .25 inches
Bust: I lost 1 inch!
Waist: I lost 1.5 inches!
Stomach: I lost 1.5 inches!
Hips: I lost 1 inch!
Upper Arms: I lost .25 inches
Forearms: stayed the same
Thighs: I stayed the same
Calves: I stayed the same

I lost a total of 5.5 inches overall!!! I was so surprised I could lose that much already that I double and triple-checked myself just to be absolutely sure. I always measure in the same places on the same day of the week and at the same time of day. I also use an app on my phone called fatsecret to track my calories-both those consumed and those burned with exercise. I find it really helps me to keep track of things and get used to portions of food and the amount of exercise it takes to burn those calories. Once I get a good feel for it, I will probably just do without it, but for now it is nice.

 This is SO exciting to me! I can tell a big difference in how my clothes fit and in my muscle tone, strength and endurance already, even in the areas where I did not lose any inches. I am excited! Hoping I can continue to lose inches, and get to where I also start losing pounds!

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