Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Transformation Tuesday

My grade for myself the past week-
Diet: 50%
Exercise: 50%
Total Grade: A (100%)
Weigh in-
Weight: I have lost three pounds. I can finally say I am lighter than when I started that thanks to turning fat into muscle and now getting that muscle leaner. YAY! :)
Neck: stayed the same as last week
Upper Arm: I stayed the same as last week
Forearm: I stayed the same as last week
Bust: I lost .5 inches
Waist: I lost .5 inches
Stomach: I lost .5 inches
Hips: I lost .5 inches
Thighs: I lost .5 inches
Calves: I lost .25 inches
Total inches lost:2.75 inches this past week! It is slowing down but I am happy with my results for my first month! :)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Transformation Tuesday!

Well, as you may have noticed, I missed last week. It was crazy busy that day, and I kept forgetting to do it later, so this will be an update for both weeks totaled.
My grade for myself the past two weeks-
Diet: 50%
Exercise: 50%
Total Grade: A (100%)
Weigh in-
Weight: I have FINALLY started losing weight! I have lost two pounds (which still puts me at a couple pounds heavier than where I started), but hey-weight loss is weight loss! :)
Neck: stayed the same the past two weeks
Upper Arm: I lost .5 inches
Forearm: I lost .5 inches
Bust: I stayed the same
Waist: I lost .5 inches
Stomach: I lost .5 inches
Hips: I lost .5 inches
Thighs: I FINALLY lost some-a whole .5 inches
Calves: stayed the same
Total inches lost: 3 inches! It is slowing down, but at least I can also say I lost 2 pounds the past two weeks. :)